Chinese Character Learning

Kids Learning Chinese Character Writing by GatsbyJS

Posted by Tingan Tang on October 15, 2022 · 1 min read


For overseas Chinese kids, learning how to write chinese character is not easy. I want to create a chinese character writing app for my 5 years old son. But I think pure chinese character writing app would be very boring. So the idea is to create a Chinese audio books with Chinese poems and related chinese character in the poems for learning. Also the app will provide some games for Chinese character learning.

Technology stack choice

The app would be more like a static website. Therefore, I consider some static web sites technologies such as Jekyll, Hugo and GatsbyJs. GatsbyJs is built on top of React and GraphQL. As I think it's would be easier for me to use GatsbyJs and practice GraphQL technology. So the technology stack is GatsByjS + React Hooks + GraphQL. Netlify is chosen for hosting.


Netlify App demo: Click me
Chinese audio poem with Chinese character writing animation