Wordslet mobile app

by React Native and RTK Query

Posted by Tingan Tang on May 08, 2023 · 3 mins read


The original motivation for the wordslet came from my elder son's complain that Quizlet is too expensive. Although quizlet has free version, but there are many limitations such as limiting the times of learning during one day. Also the free version of quizlet has too many ads. Also, I feel that I also need such as an app for helping me learn Finnish. Originally, I developed a web-based wordslet by React Hooks and Node (see: https://tingan.github.io/2022/10/14/wordslet.html), it works fine and i use it in daily basis. However, it has some shortcomings. For example, it need a server or computer to run locally. Nowawdays, mobile is more popular and convenient than computer. So I decided to rewrite it in React Native. As I am already very familiar with React, Redux, React Native looks very natural and familiar to me. The big differences is the component changes. Besides that, other differences are related to mobile screen itself. E.g. in mobile app, there is a Keyboard avoiding issue, which is not present in desktop.

Technology stack

Besides the React Native, for state management I made some evaluation between Redux Toolkit (with Thunk) and Redux Tookkit Query (RTK Query). As RTK Query has one benefit is the caching capability, which is very powerful and convenient. Therefore, I chosen RTK Query for state management. For Data storage part, initially I use Firebase 9 and firestore. Firebase works fine with the app, but later I think if I use firebase, then later I still need to add advertisements or monthly payment for cover the firebase cost. Then it would be no difference with Quizlet. So I made a new branch to totally switch to local database storage. For local database storage solution, initially i prefer realm database as it's fast than sqlite. However, unfortunately, the realm doesn't support expo 48 (only alpha version available). So I chosen sqlite for the local database storage. So the technology stack is: react native + RKT query + sqlite.


The main features of the app include.
  • Dark mode support, light dark mode switch
  • Filter word books and words
  • Pin/Unpin word books
  • Multi-lingual supports
  • Error book records mistakes made in quizes
  • Batch import words from computer or URL


Preview video in youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0WuIzTzR5I Documentation https://wordslet-wordslet.vercel.app
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Word books
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